
The easiest way to install magpy is using the conda repositories. The only requirement is that you have anaconda or miniconda installed on your system. Alternatively, you can build the C++ and python code from source. You might want to do this if you only want the C++ library or if you would like to access the Intel accelerated code.


Note packages only exist for Linux and Mac OSX.

  1. Go to and download the Miniconda package manager

  2. Create a new conda environment and install magpy into it:

    $ conda create -n <env_name> python=3
    $ source activate <env_name>
    $ conda install -c owlas magpy
  3. Launch python and import magpy

    $ python
    $ >>> import magpy

From source

The instructions below will guide you through the process of building the code from source on Linux.

  1. Clone the magpy code

    $ git clone
  2. You’ll need a C++11 compatible compiler (g++>=4.9 recommended)

  3. You will also the LAPACK and BLAS libraries. On Debian systems these can be obtained through the apt repositories

    $ apt install liblapacke-dev
  4. Build the magpy C++ library with with your compiler as <CXX>

    $ cd magpy
    $ make CXX=<CXX>
  5. You can build and run the tests from the same makefile

    $ cd magpy
    $ make CXX=<CXX> run-tests
  6. To build the python interface you’ll need to obtain all the python dependencies in the environment.yml file. Install miniconda (see Conda, above)

    $ conda create env -f environment.yml
    $ source activate magpy
  7. Once you have all of the dependencies you can install magpy

    $ CXX=<CXX> pip install .
    $ python
    $ >>> import magpy

From source (Intel compilers)

Magpy has been optimised for Intel architectures and you can take advantage of this by taking a few extra steps:

  1. Clone the magpy code

    $ git clone
  2. Ensure you have the Intel compilers in your path (icc and icpc)

  3. Tell magpy where to find your MKL files

    $ export MKLROOT=/path/to/mkl/install/directory
  4. You will also the LAPACK and BLAS libraries. On Debian systems these can be obtained through the apt repositories

    $ apt install liblapacke-dev
  5. Build the magpy C++ library with the intel compilers. The correct build flags should be taken care of for you

    $ cd magpy
    $ make CXX=icpc
  6. You can build and run the tests from the same makefile

    $ cd magpy
    $ make CXX=icpc run-tests
  7. To build the python interface you’ll need to obtain all the python dependencies in the environment.yml file. Install miniconda (see Conda, above)

    $ conda create env -f environment.yml
    $ source activate magpy
  8. Once you have all of the dependencies you can install magpy

    $ cd magpy
    $ CC=icc CXX=icpc pip install .
    $ python
    $ >>> import magpy