Source code for magpy.geometry.coordinates

import numpy as np

from .arkus import ARKUS

[docs]def arkus_cluster_coordinates(n_particles, configuration_id, R): """Coordinates of particles in an Arkus cluster. Returns an array of coordinates for each particle in an Arkus cluster of size `n_particles` with a specified `configuration_id`. Each configuration id represents a cluster of `n_particles` with a different arrangement. See :mod:`magpy.geometry.arkus` for more information on Arkus geometries and available configurations. Args: n_particles (int): cluster size configuration_id (int): configuration id of the Arkus cluster see [link] for more information on available configurations for each cluster size R (float): distance between particles Returns: np.ndarray: shape `(n_particles, 3)` array of the coordinates """ return ARKUS[n_particles][configuration_id] * R
[docs]def arkus_cluster_random_configuration_id(n_particles): """A randomly drawn configuration id for an Arkus cluster. Returns a random configuration id for an Arkus cluster of a specified size. Each configuration contains `n_particles` in a different arrangement. See :mod:`magpy.geometry.arkus` for more information on Arkus geometries and available configurations. Args: n_particles (int): Arkus cluster size Returns: int: a random configuration id """ return np.random.randint(len(ARKUS[n_particles]))
[docs]def arkus_random_cluster_coordinates(n_particles, R): """Coordinates of particles in a random Arkus cluster configuration. Returns an array of coordinates for particles in an Arkus cluster of size `n_particles` with a random configuration. Each configuration has a different arrangement of particles. See [link] for info. See :mod:`magpy.geometry.arkus` for more information on Arkus geometries and possible configurations. Args: n_particles (int): Arkus cluster size R (float): point to point Euclidean distance between coordinates Returns: np.ndarray: shape `(n_particles,3)` array of coordinates of particles """ configuration = arkus_cluster_random_configuration_id(n_particles) return arkus_cluster_coordinates(n_particles, configuration, R)
[docs]def chain_coordinates(n_particles, R, direction=np.array([0,0,1])): """Coordinates of particles along a straight chain. Returns an array of coordinates for particles arranged in a perfectly straight chain and regularly spaced. The chain can have any direction and number of particles but will start at the origin. Example: ..code-block:: python >>> chain_coordinates(3, 2.5, direction=[1,0,0]) np.array([0,0,0], [2.5,0,0], [5,0,0]) >>> # Only unit vector of direction is used: >>> chain_coordinates(2, 3.0, direction=[3,4,0]) np.array([0,0,0], [1.8, 2.4, 0]) Args: n_particles (int): size of the particle chain R (float): point to point Euclidean distance between points direction (np.ndarray, optional): direction in 3d space to construct the chain. The magnitude of the direction is has no effect, only its unit direction. Default value is the `z`-axis `np.array([0,0,1])` Returns: np.ndarray: shape `(n_particles,3)` array of coordinates of particles """ unit_direction = np.atleast_2d(direction / np.linalg.norm(direction)) multipliers = np.atleast_2d(np.arange(n_particles)) unscaled_chain_coordinates = return R * unscaled_chain_coordinates